

Nancy Reed wrote:

Hi Leslie, just wanted you to know that the cart arrived Wednesday, and Louie's been using it daily since. He took right to it. Now in the morning when I say 'wanna go for a walk', he gets that happy look on his face again, and follows me into the closet to check that I'm putting on sneakers. It's an interest level that we've not seen in a long while. The walks are short, and he winds quickly, but he is enjoying the time outside. I did want to check, do you carry paw protectors to avoid skinned toes? We've tried the stirrups, but he is wanting to use his hind legs, and does drag his toes sometimes. If you don't carry them, do you have a good source for them?* Thanks for the great product. We are very happy with the construction, easiness to use, and Louie's regained mobility. My best, Nancy Reed PS: the vet really liked the cart quality and design too; we recommend Tammy and Teddy's Foot and Paw Protection for booties.

Posted: to Eddie's News on Wed, Sep 8, 2010
Updated: Wed, Sep 8, 2010